Cambridge First Certificate Handbook Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1999 г Мягкая обложка, 220 стр ISBN 0-521-62919-5, 0-521-62918-7, 0-521-66658-9, 0-521-62917-9 Язык: Английский Формат: 220x280 инфо 6952p.

"Cambridge First Certificate Handbook" ("With Answers" edition) provides clear and comprehensive training for students preparing for the First Certificate examination, with or without a teaбюйжгcher The book is organised into five chapters, corresponding to the five papers of the FCE exam: - Reading - Writing - Use of English - Listening - Speaking Each chapter systematically teaches the language and skills needed for success in the different parts ofвлала the exam The aim throughout the book is to build up students' confidence and their ability to tackle the exam tasks "Cambridge First Certificate Handbook" ("With Answers") contains: - helpful "exam overviews" which explain what each exam paper consists of, the timing and the marks awarded; - regular "information boxes" which give details of the format, content and purpose of the various tasks within each paper; - reassuring "familiarisвслыйation exercises" - shorter, simpler versions of exam questions to introduce students to the different exam tasks; - thorough guidance through each task type, with clearly signposted "suggested approach" boxes for easy reference; - exam practice exercises similar to those which students will face in the exam Авторы Стюарт Хаггер Stuart Hagger Хелен Нэйлор Helen Naylor.